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My Customer is Requesting SOC 2... Now What?

October 30 @ 2:30 pm ET (11:30 am PT) | Includes Live Q&A

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In your business, if you’re a (or the big) decision maker, your job is all about making choices—and the right ones. No pressure though. 😉 Often, you probably stare at data perplexed on whether it’s better to save on time and other resources by foregoing Option A and maybe develop your next big feature instead. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, many companies forgo or delay SOC 2 compliance until it’s imperative to have in-hand. Here’s some bad news… increasingly, more and more customers are demanding proof of good data hygiene before doing business. So what do you do when that next big deal you HAVE TO HAVE (!) is requesting your report? How do you get started?

In this session, listen to three compliance experts discuss:

  • Considerations when deciding between doing it in-house or using a partner
  • If you're choosing a partner, what criteria you should look for
  • What other things should you look at when getting started
  • How you can best take advantage of your report when you get it
  • How Thoropass’s end-to-end solution handles compliance

Grab Your Seat!

Thoropass was massive in helping us understand the ‘why’ behind so many of the technical and non technical pieces of security controls that we didn’t have much context over. I also can’t speak highly enough about the quality of service and the incredible attention to detail that came from our team of Thoropass experts.

Gerard Keenan Chief Operating Officer at ParkOffice